Sunday, October 19, 2014

East Timor Medical Elective - Week 4 (Part 1 / 6)

Week 4 (22/9/14 – 26/9/14)

Monday this week was Dr. Dan's 70th Birthday. The morning ward rounds proceeded as usual, but when we arrived at the Malnutrition Ward, there was a surprise! Luisa and “Livia” (another assistant) started playing a Happy Birthday song from their radio. There were balloons, and large colourful letters saying “HAPPY 70TH BIRTHDAY DR DAN” hung across the wall. A table with the birthday cake and several beers was in the middle of the room, surrounded by much of the BPC staff.

The ward rounds took a pause. I thought that Dr. Dan would cry or be very emotional, given that he's reached a new decade in life, but he smiled and shook hands with everyone who congratulated him, one by one. It was so cute to see the little children smiling and reaching up to shake his hand too.
“Amy” (a volunteer Dr) then presented Dr. Dan her handmade Birthday Card that we all signed. This was then followed by the cutting of the birthday cake and distributing of the beers. The room was small, but at that moment felt cozy, so very “Gemutlichkeit (sp?)/ Gezellig”.

It was a very pleasant start to the day, and I (selfishly) felt lucky to have my medical elective coincide with this occasion, along with the BPC 15th Anniversary on Friday.

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