Strangely I didn't meet any ASD Children by
myself which was a real shame, although I witnessed a few when sitting with
other Paediatricians in the Epilepsy and Developmental Paediatrics Outpatients
(at RCH), several who were very low-functioning supposedly secondary to
documented Genetic Mutations, non-verbal and had Bowel + Bladder Incontinence
(severe Frontal Lobe impairment). According to my Developmental Charts, none of
their domains (Gross Motor, Fine Motor & Vision, Speech & Language,
Social & Emotional) reached that expected of a “normal” 3 year old. One of
them couldn't tolerate Eye Contact at all and had to use a Mirror in order to
look at other people.
They would most likely required expensive 1-on-1 support
for the rest of their life (given the current technology), being a massive
financial and/or emotional “burden” on the Carers and Taxpayers. It made me
wonder how productive it is for me and other Aspies to be placed in the same
Diagnostic Category (ASD) in the DSM-5, although it's true that we're both on
the Autistic Spectrum. The purpose of the Spectrum is to acknowledge there is
significant variation in functioning and abilities, but I worry that people
would just stereotype me to be totally impaired or incompetent when actually I
have my sharp sets of strengths and weaknesses. Maybe the only Solution is for
more Aspies to “Come out of the Closet”, to help promote awareness of the
condition, and that not all ASD people are “Retarded” or “Savants” like
“Rainman” (Kim Peek, who supposedly had FG Syndrome in fact, and not ASD).
For a fleeting moment, I wondered if
low-functioning ASD Children (at least, the ones who will still be
low-functioning as Adults) were better off being aborted instead of being born
as they wouldn't have the Executive Function or Cognitive Abilities to lead any
semblance of a “Productive Life”, but I was horrified and disgusted at myself
for possibly supporting Eugenics (beyond Terminal conditions). I really wasn't
sure what to think. The Cognitive Dissonance
seriously made me very uncomfortable.
I've for the most part thought it was sad
but acceptable for pregnant Women to terminate Foetuses diagnosed with Trisomy
21 (Down Syndrome) given the Severity of the Disability, but to support the
Termination of innocent Autistic Children?
How could I be a Supporter of ASD
Individuals, yet go against some of my kind???!!!
Am I a Hypocrite???!!!
Does one have to be productive member of
Society to justify their Existence or Differences (Medical Condition, Disability,
Sexual Orientation, Lifestyle etc)???
Where does one draw the line for
Therapeutic Termination???
This is all so complicated to me, and I'm
unable to neatly categorize it using typical “Black & White” Thinking
because of the Emotions and Politics involved. I still dunno what the correct
Answers to the above Questions are...
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